Ios Simulator Network Speed

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  1. Ios Simulator Network Speed
  2. Ios Simulator Free Online
  3. Ios Simulator Network Speedy
  4. Ios Simulator Network Speed Test

Thread is an IP-based low-power wireless mesh networking protocol that enables secure device-to-device and device-to-cloud communications. Thread networks can adapt to topology changes to avoid single point of failure.


Dive Deeper: Refer to Thread Overview for more on Thread.

OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of Thread. Despite its small code size and memory footprint, OpenThread supports all features defined in the Thread 1.1.1 Specification.

OpenThread Network Simulator (OTNS) can be used to simulate Thread networks by running simulated OpenThread nodes on posix platforms. OTNS provides an easy-to-use Web interface (OTNS-Web) for visualizing and operating simulated Thread networks.

  • Install OTNS and its dependencies
  • Build OpenThread for OTNS
  • How to add/move/delete nodes in OTNS-Web
  • Use OTNS-Web's other useful features to operate the network simulation
  • Verify OpenThread's no-single-point-of-failure

This codelab is focused on OTNS-CLI and OTNS-Web. OTNS's other features, such as Python scripting, are not covered.

  • Linux x86_64 or Mac OS.
  • Git.
  • Go 1.11+.
  • Web browser. OTNS-Web uses a web browser for displaying simulations.
  • Thread Primer. You will need to know the basic concepts of Thread to understand what is taught in this Codelab.

  • Install Go from
  • Add $(go env GOPATH)/bin (normally $HOME/go/bin) to $PATH:
  • Install Dependencies

    You might be asked to input a password for sudo.

    otns to $GOPATH/bin:

    otns is properly installed

    Ios Simulator Network Speed

    1. Run which otns to check if the otns executable is searchable in $PATH.
    2. If the otns command is not found, verify that you have added $(go env GOPATH)/bin to $PATH.

    Build OpenThread with OTNS=1

    You can find the OpenThread executables in the output directory:


    Ios Simulator Network Speed

    Dive Deeper: Refer to Thread Overview for more on Thread.

    OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of Thread. Despite its small code size and memory footprint, OpenThread supports all features defined in the Thread 1.1.1 Specification.

    OpenThread Network Simulator (OTNS) can be used to simulate Thread networks by running simulated OpenThread nodes on posix platforms. OTNS provides an easy-to-use Web interface (OTNS-Web) for visualizing and operating simulated Thread networks.

    • Install OTNS and its dependencies
    • Build OpenThread for OTNS
    • How to add/move/delete nodes in OTNS-Web
    • Use OTNS-Web's other useful features to operate the network simulation
    • Verify OpenThread's no-single-point-of-failure

    This codelab is focused on OTNS-CLI and OTNS-Web. OTNS's other features, such as Python scripting, are not covered.

    • Linux x86_64 or Mac OS.
    • Git.
    • Go 1.11+.
    • Web browser. OTNS-Web uses a web browser for displaying simulations.
    • Thread Primer. You will need to know the basic concepts of Thread to understand what is taught in this Codelab.

  • Install Go from
  • Add $(go env GOPATH)/bin (normally $HOME/go/bin) to $PATH:
  • Install Dependencies

    You might be asked to input a password for sudo.

    otns to $GOPATH/bin:

    otns is properly installed

    Ios Simulator Network Speed

    1. Run which otns to check if the otns executable is searchable in $PATH.
    2. If the otns command is not found, verify that you have added $(go env GOPATH)/bin to $PATH.

    Build OpenThread with OTNS=1

    You can find the OpenThread executables in the output directory:


    Now it's time to run OTNS...

    Run otns:

    When successfully started, OTNS will enter a CLI console (OTNS-CLI) and launch a web browser for network visualization and management (OTNS-Web):

    If you can only see a blank page for OTNS-Web, chances are WebGL is not enabled in your browser. Please refer to how to enable WebGL.

    In the following sections, you are going to learn to manage OTNS simulations through OTNS-CLI and OTNS-Web.

    OTNS-CLI provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) for managing OTNS simulations.

    You can type in commands through OTNS-CLI. Refer to the OTNS CLI reference for a full list of commands. Don't worry, you are only going to use a few of these commands in this Codelab.

    OTNS-Web is OTNS's network visualization and management tool. It provides a visual representation of the nodes, messages, and links of the simulated Thread network. Note the various elements of OTNS-Web:

    OTNS-Web. The node starts as a Router and becomes a Leader in a few seconds:

    Tip: The red hexagonal border of the node indicates it's a Leader.


    Wait a few seconds for nodes to merge into one partition. You should see the nodes in OTNS-WEB:

    Tip: The green line between nodes indicates that the nodes are linked and the Leader is the parent of FED, MED, and SED.

    Tip: The last added node is selected by default and highlighted using a green dashed square.


    You can also add nodes through OTNS-Web. Click the New Router button of the Action Bar. You should see a node being created right above the New Router button. Drag the node to be near the Leader you created through OTNS-CLI. All the nodes should eventually merge into one partition:

    Also click the FED, MED, and SED buttons on the Action Bar to create other types of nodes. Drag them to positions near existing nodes to attach them to that Thread network:

    Tip: The blue line between Leader and Router indicates that they're linked.

    Now you have created a Thread network of one partition that contains many nodes. In the next section, we are going to adjust the simulating speed to make the simulation run faster.

    Currently, the simulation should be running at 1X speed, meaning that the simulating time elapsed so far is the same as the actual time since we created the first node.


    You can adjust the simulating speed through OTNS-CLI.


    You should see the nodes send messages much more frequently than before.


    Now, OTNS is trying it's best to simulate as fast as it can, so you should see nodes sending a great number of messages.

    0 pauses the simulation.

    0 resumes the simulation.


    Action Bar. The buttons show the current simulating speed and can be used to adjust simulating speed and pause/resume the simulation.

    MAX: .

    Pause simulation

    Click the button to pause the simulation when it's running. The button will be changed to .

    Ios Simulator Free Online


    In order to save time, use

    OTNS-CLIto adjust the simulating speed to

    10Xso that we can observe topology changes in the network much faster.

    Now, the simulation should contain 2 Routers (hexagon shape) and many children, and runs at 10X speed.

    Find the current Leader (red border) of the 2 Routers, single click to select it:

    Tip: The current selected node is highlighted using a green dashed square.

    Wait for about 12s (120s in simulating time) for the other Router to become the new Leader:

    The Thread network recovers from Leader failure automatically by forming a new partition with a new Leader. The new partition also has a new partition color.

    Ios Simulator Network Speedy

    Action Bar to restore radio connectivity:

    The Leader should reattach to the network after radio connectivity is restored.

    OTNS enables users to move nodes easily through OTNS-CLI or OTNS-Web.


    Move node 5 to a new location:

    Since now node 5 is far from the other Router, they should lose connectivity to each other, and after about 12s (120s in simulating time) both become Leaders of their own partition:

    Tip: Nodes have limited radio transmission range in OTNS simulation.

    Delete nodes through OTNS-CLI

    Delete node 8:

    Node 8 should disappear from the simulation:


    Select node 5 and click the button on the Action Bar to delete node 5:

    Node 1 should become Leader and Node 7 should detach since it can not reach any Router.


    Click button on Action Bar. All nodes will disappear at once.

    OTNS-CLI provides node context mode for easy interaction with nodes to help developers diagnose a node's status.

    node 1> , indicating the current node context. You can type in OpenThread CLI commands to be executed on the node as if you are interacting with the node directly.

    Switch to another node context

    You've learned how to install OTNS and its dependencies. You built OpenThread for OTNS and started OTNS simulation with OpenThread simulation instances. You've learned how to manipulate the simulation in various ways through both OTNS-CLI and OTNS-Web.

    You now know what OTNS is and how you can use OTNS to simulate OpenThread networks.

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    Ios Simulator Network Speed Test

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